Meat wrapped in pastry dates back to the Roman era. Our idea of the sausage roll came to popularity in 1800s London and was a bit of a street snack. Sadly, there is no earl of sausage roll. Something that needs to be rectified.
You can either use our recipe for rough puff (we’ll post this on here soon!), or shop bought rolled stuff. Some of the pre made stuff is pretty good, some is god awful. As always, you can mess about with the fillings, add seeds to the top. Go as fancy or as low key as you like. This recipe is just for a bog standard pork sausage roll. And this recipe will get you six of the tasty little things
You will need:
Pre heat your oven to 180 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with silicone paper and set aside.
Either roll out your pastry or cut your pre-rolled in to 6 equal squares around 8cm x 10cm.
Divide your sausage meat into 100g. Roll each one into a sausage shape and place in the centre of the puff pastry squares.
Edge each puff pastry square with your egg mix and fold the pastry over to create your sausage roll. Seal the edges by pressing your fork along the edge repeatedly.
Use your scissors to snip the tops of the rolls.
Place the rolls on your baking tray and paint each one with your egg yolk.
Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
Paint again with egg yolk (at this point you can sprinkle nigella seeds, pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds on to the top) place in the centre of the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown and the bottoms are cooked.
Store up to three days in the fridge.